Speech posts: Bullying

Your ugly.  Your stupid.  Your nobody!  These words can lead to heartache, and heartache can lead to tears, and tears can lead to a victim of suicide.  Bullying not only affects the victim, but also the peers around him/ her. I chose a song and an inspiring speech. Bullying is a growing problem; it is a global issue.  Bullying is not the same as it was in the past. Sure bullying is still verbal, but now it can also be technical, like cyber bullying.

Some people can be so shallow sometimes. Nick Vujicic is a motivational speaker. In “Love Without Limits”, one of his many speeches, he talks about bullying. During this speech, Nick Vujicic relies on pathos and tells us his story. Nick Vujicic was born with a rare disorder; he was born without any of his four limbs. Nick knows exactly what it is like to be bullied and looked down on. He shares with us how he struggled with bullying and how that led him to hate the way he was born. Nick admitted that he frequently questioned himself and God, “Why me?”  However, he realized how blessed he was, and he overcame the pain of being picked on.  Now Nick Vujicic is the great, inspiring person people know him as today. In his speech “Love Without Limits”, Nick Vujicic talks to a gymnasium full of students and staff, and other citizens.  During this speech he informs, reminds the students, staff, and other citizens how bullying is unnecessary, and how bullying affects the victim.  The fact that Nick Vujicic shares his personal story, he is directly informing the audience on the affect of verbal bullying and cyber bullying.  This direct message implies that we as the same human beings should stop bullying other human beings no matter how they look, smell, talk, eat, or even walk. Nick stated that out of innumerable schools he talked to, the head of one school contacted him and told him that bullying at his/her school stopped for eight months.  Nick Vujicic delivered his message very well, and even better because he used necessary pauses, emphasis, and different facial expressions, while telling his personal story.

This song has such meaningful lyrics. Christina Aguilera song “Beautiful” encourages especially, people all over the world that are bullied, abused. It sings, “Now and then I get insecure. From all the pain, I’m so ashamed.” The context of this song is that “one is beautiful, no matter what they say, and words can’t bring you down.” I feel like Christina Aguilera wrote this song for a lot of reasons. This song gives much hope or gives people reminders that they are beautiful no matter what other people say. I think Christina Aguilera’s direct message is that no matter whom you are, what you’ve done, or where you’re from, it does not matter; she knows that everyone is beautiful. Christina Aguilera  might be implying that there are people in this world who suffer from a lot of imperfections, and on top of that, are made fun of. I feel like through this song she is stopping to say that everyone is beautiful. She is making, trying to show people that they are loved and it’s not always about the looks. I think Christina Aguilera uses a plethora of ethos, by using a lot of emotions. The outcome of the speech is, whoever has a low confidence level, a low self-esteem level, don’t accept what people have to say about you. Don’t let people look down on you. You are not who they say you are. One canon that was impressive throughout this speech is the style. Christina’s rhythm when she sings, “you are beautiful, no matter what they say,” emphasizes how important it is for her.

Nick Vujicic- Love Without Limits-Bully Talk

Beautiful- Christina Aguilera lyrics


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