Mid Semester Blog Assignment

Timeliness: I strongly believe I should get an “A” for timeliness.  I finished every blog that was assigned to me, and even met every requirement for each blog.  All the blog posts I had to do so far were turned in on time.  Although I have a whole bunch of experience with procrastination, I always get my work done on time.

Thoroughness: With out a doubt all my blogs address and complete all aspects of each assignment.  I always make sure that I meet all the requirements before I post a blog assignment.  I truly believe I deserve an “A” for thoroughness.

Depth: Writing in depth is not my forte.  Every so often I analyze my examples.  However, most of the time I either forget, or I just do not know how.  Unfortunately, I would give myself a “C”, due to my lack to depth-ness in my writing.

Clarity: Obviously I always have spelling mistakes when I type, however, before I post a blog I always make sure I use spellcheck.  I also use a grammar check tool, but it is very possible the grammar tool is not always one hundred percent correct.  The first couple of blogs I posted have distracting formats, however the blog posts after that are clear and easy to read.  I would give myself an “A-“ for clarity.

Creativity: I believe my blogs display a sense of original thought and creativity.  For example, my very first blog post ever, was the first blog assignment assigned to my English 101 class.  My blog post is about hope in the future.  In my opinion, most students probably wrote about themselves, however I took a leap, and wrote about hope in my future.  I would give myself an “A” for creativity.

Audience: It is honestly difficult for me to interest my audience in my writing.  I know how to interest myself, but you never know who is going to read your work so I do not know what they are interested in.  However it is nice to write whom my paper is targeted towards.  I would give myself a “C”, because I know that my work can be boring to read sometimes, however, it could also be enjoyable to read.

 Development: I think my blog posts are getting better, its good because I know they are not getting worse.  Now that I have more and more experience when I write another blog, I feel like I am improving.  I would have given myself a “C” for development if I still wrote like the first one, however, I know I am getting better each time I post a new blog so I want to give myself a “B”.

 Portfolio: As of right now I would like for my This Say/I Say voice blog to be in my portfolio.  The reason I like that blog post is because it is interesting there is a picture most people can relate to in there.  Also, there is a dialogue written by me, which some people would rather read compared to a long paragraph.  Therefore I would grade myself with an “A” for portfolio.


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