I am Asian, specifically Korean, and I go against the stereotype that all Asians have small eyes so their sight must be limited. I can see everything you can see! I was born this way in the image of God and He made me perfect according to His plan. I can see everything you can see! It is very unfortunate that I cannot remember a single year during my elementary, middle, and high school years when a kid at my school has not asked me, “Can you try opening your eyes as big as you can so I can see how small they are compared to mine?” or “ Since you have smaller eyes than me do objects look smaller than they actually are in real life?” How scarred must I have felt that I can recall a time in high school when my teacher called me out in front of the whole class, embarrassing me, proclaiming, “Annie, are you sleeping?” when I was actually looking down and reading a paper that was on my desk… I can see everything you can see! Why do big-eyed people feel the need to try to ruin my day, by asking unnecessary comments? Does it really matter? I can see everything you can see! When I went to the doctor for a yearly checkup, they made stand twenty feet away from the Snellen chart and read it. At the end of my vision test, these were the exact words that came out of the assistant’s mouth, “Wow great! You have 20/20 vision.” You know what, maybe my eyes are normal sized, and you all’s eyes are just big!